Friday, January 22, 2016

Another loss

  •  Another loss: when I look back at this blog and see  that my last entry was in April it makes me sad. I did still do some tangling through August,  but mostly it was in my calendar and I did not feel inspired or have the urge to keep my blog updated. Now, sadly, since September,  I have pretty much lost the use of my right hand. I can barely hold a fork to feed myself let alone hold a pen to do  Zentangle. Oh well, it's just another bump in the road of MS.  Just another loss to mourn.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry to hear this, Tammy. I do hope that you will find some way to continue doing what you love the best. Every stage is a new bereavement and life is a constant adjustment to a new normal, isn't it.

    Gentle hugs,
