Sunday, April 5, 2015

baby coming SOON!

Today's tangle is created with thoughts of the new baby who will be born this week. My niece Betsy is having a baby! The Dr. says it will be born this week. This is the first baby in our little family! I will be a great aunt! And my sister will be a Bubie! And my dear nieces will be aunties!

Square one prompts us to play with NIPA and I used primary colors with thoughts of a baby style. The background is green because my mother said she'd be "in the green" so I want to think she is looking over dear Betsy and her baby.

1 comment:

  1. This is so pretty, Tammy! I hope the birth went well and that the new baby arrived safely. I am an aunt and also a great-aunt (although my great-niece and great-nephew are by marriage and not direct). Being a "great" anything does make one feel rather old!!

    Thank you for your lovely comment about my new tea set, and I'd love to have you to visit, to share a lovely tea party with me! I adore baking, and I am enjoying using my china every day. I hadn't thought about the revival of interest in afternoon tea parties happening because of Downton Abbey! Interesting thought. My hubby and I were hooked on Downton - we missed it the first time round, but couldn't get enough of the repeats!

