Friday, January 22, 2016

Another loss

  •  Another loss: when I look back at this blog and see  that my last entry was in April it makes me sad. I did still do some tangling through August,  but mostly it was in my calendar and I did not feel inspired or have the urge to keep my blog updated. Now, sadly, since September,  I have pretty much lost the use of my right hand. I can barely hold a fork to feed myself let alone hold a pen to do  Zentangle. Oh well, it's just another bump in the road of MS.  Just another loss to mourn.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

baby coming SOON!

Today's tangle is created with thoughts of the new baby who will be born this week. My niece Betsy is having a baby! The Dr. says it will be born this week. This is the first baby in our little family! I will be a great aunt! And my sister will be a Bubie! And my dear nieces will be aunties!

Square one prompts us to play with NIPA and I used primary colors with thoughts of a baby style. The background is green because my mother said she'd be "in the green" so I want to think she is looking over dear Betsy and her baby.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March Madness

My own version of March madness. This is true ZENtangle. It was about the process, although I do like the way it looks in the end too.
I was inspired by Cubine; it was part of a challenge in March. I added Ixorus, enjoyed DooLeeDoo, and filled with Printemps as it was part of a "String Thing" at some point during the month also.

Thursday, February 26, 2015


I can't  believe  February is almost over.


Linda's recent prompts have been Kozy, ACROSSTICK, and Raffz. I like the way they flow together, and I enjoyed using my pink and green colored pencils with them.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


It's funny that usually I enjoy the flowy, flowery tangles that magically have designs that appear. But today, ACROSSTICK, put me in the right frame of mind. Following the specific steps to create this pattern was the perfect morning activity. Maybe it's not so pretty to look at, but the journey of ACROSSTICK gave me structure to do my morning rituals!
I added colored pencils to quench that creative craving.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Puffff and Puf

was playing with patterns from its a string thing #79 : Buttercup, Inapod, Puf  and Pozer and this week's Square One challenge to use Huggins.
Then I saw the tiles submitted for the string thing challenge and I realized I'd been doing "Pufff" not "Puf". Oh well, I  like what I did, and can look forward to playing with Puf tomorrow. Which reminds me, "Well" is still on my short list.
Buttercup, Pozer, Huggins with Pufff, In a Pod with Pufff

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Heart Zen

this is actually 2 tile shapes I drew in my sketchbook. Ha ha! I like saying that as if I'm so artistic that my work actually requires a real sketchbook!
I've been playing with 2 challenges all week: Tickled To Tangle's String Thing #77, and Joey's Challenge #46. Both used heart inspired patterns. Definately one of my favorites.
This is truly one of those times that I felt the "Zen" of Zentangle. It was truly about the journey, not the goal. I can't even really say whether or not I like the way it came out, I was just letting it go it's own way. Hubby left to do grocery shopping and came back, I looked at the clock, over an hour had passed.